What was your major?
I graduated from CAHNR in 2016 with a double major in Resource Economics and Environmental Studies.
What is your current job title?
As of right now, I am currently going through the training process to join the Connecticut Army National Guard as a medic. I am completing Basic Training in Fort Benning, GA and Advanced Individualized Training at Fort Sam Houston, TX. Serving in the National Guard is a part-time commitment that occurs one weekend a month and a two-week period over the summer so once I am finished with training, I will be searching for high school social studies teaching jobs in Connecticut. After finishing my bachelor’s degree in 2016, I decided to put my minors in History and Geography to good use and achieve my Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a certification in History and Social Studies Education (Grades 7-12) through UConn’s Teacher Certificate Program for College Graduates.
Are you currently doing what you imagined you would be doing at this point in your life?
Yes, I always knew that I wanted to serve in the military and become a teacher. However, I did not expect to be able to do pursue those two professions at the same time. Discovering the ability to serve as a reservist in the Connecticut Army National Guard and maintaining a civilian job as a teacher was perfect.
What was your favorite class at UConn?
PHIL 3216, Environmental Ethics with Professor Daniel Silvermint. The class readings were extremely intriguing, asking and debating questions about sustainability and the environment that push the contemporary boundaries of what I grew up as a mainstream environmentalist. While it was reading intensive, the content of the articles and documents were thought provoking and tended to leave me with more questions than answers which I enjoyed.
What UConn course did you find most useful?
COMM 1100, Principles of Public Speaking. While the lecture is a in an extremely large, the discussion sections are what I found most useful. Coming to university, especially a large research university like UConn can be intimidating. The discussion portion of COMM 1100, provided the skills to speak in front of a group of strangers and more importantly, do it in a composed and organized manner. The skills that I gained in this class I used while giving presentations in classes, as Speaker of the Undergraduate Student Government and during my student teaching.
Do you have any advice for current students in your major?
I would recommend current students is ask and then follow up with professors about research opportunities. I remember that I always heard from professors about opportunities for undergraduate students to help out on studies, surveys or research but never participating in them. Post-graduation, there was definitely a positive correlation of people that secured jobs and those who participated in research opportunities.
Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience at UConn?
My time at UConn was made through the decision to go outside my comfort zone and try new things. Joining organizations like the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and the UConn Men’s Ultimate Frisbee Team provided me with experiences and friendships that are invaluable. Time really does fly by and you do not want to spend time regretting what you did not do. What I found is that it is better to have tried and decided it was not for you rather than not having done it at all.