What was your major?
I graduated from CLAS in May 2016 with a degree in Environmental Studies.
What is your current job title? Please describe your current job.
Client Operations Associate – My current job is a client-facing role at a renewable energy company. In my position, I evaluate clients’ building portfolios for renewables and energy efficiency opportunities that align with their economic or sustainability goals. Once identified, I drive the projects through the competitive procurement or “request for proposal” process, identifying the best partner for the job. Most of my projects fall within the solar energy, energy storage, and LED lighting spheres.
Are you currently doing what you imagined you would be doing at this point in your life?
At this point in my life, I am doing what I hoped I would be doing but did not imagine I would actually be doing at age 23. Working in a client-facing role for a renewable energy company has been very exciting and satisfying work, and it has been a long and rewarding road to get here.
What was your favorite class at UConn?
This is a very tough question! I took lots of interesting courses, but my favorites were probably Intro to Physical Geography, Environmental Law, and Managerial and Interpersonal Behavior
What UConn course did you find most useful?
My freshman English course was definitely the most useful course I took at UConn. Writing concisely and relaying messages effectively has been a huge advantage in my jobs after graduation.
What is your fondest memory of UConn?
Oozeball! There’s nothing more fun than trying desperately to keep a volleyball in the air with your good friends while getting absolutely covered in mud.
Do you have any advice for current students in your major?
Try everything. The environmental field is massive, and it’s really hard to know exactly what you want to do from the get go. By seeking out internships and volunteer opportunities in different sectors (e.g. water management research, conservation education, renewable energy, etc.), you start to pick up on what you like and what you dislike. It’s alright to dislike something you thought would be perfect for you and to move onto something new. Eventually, you’ll start honing in on your interests and the type of work environment that makes you happiest. It takes time, but you’ll get there!
Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience at UConn?
UConn has incredible professors, advisors, and resources for its students. I could not be where I am today without the support I received from the Environmental Department and the Office of Environmental Policy (thank you!). Striking up a conversation with your professor after class or chatting with someone at an academic event can not only yield good conversation, but can also serendipitously teach you more about yourself and guide you towards your interests. Try to use UConn’s human resources to your advantage.